This is an interactive blog provided by the Woodland Police Department. The blog is aimed at educating the public about laws associated to driving, driver education, and pedestrian safety.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Parking and Seatbelts

This past week I received a request to write a column to clarify some issues related to parking within the City of Woodland. Since the California Vehicle Code and Woodland City Ordinances can be confusing, I will summarize and explain them in simpler terms.

One of the basic concepts involved in parking is to understand the definition of stopping, standing, and parking (CVC Section 22500). Per the Vehicle Code, stopping, standing and parking are one in the same. One of the common parking issues around schools is people stopping, standing, or parking in no parking zones to drop off or pick up students. While this action may only take 20 seconds it is still a violation of the law. Even though the driver of the vehicle may not exit the vehicle it is still considered parking. It is also unlawful to stop in a traffic lane while waiting for a parking space to become available.

HANDICAPPED PARKING (CVC Section 22511.7): To park in a handicapped parking stall you must have a properly displayed placard, suspended from the rearview mirror or on the dash if no mirror is available, or a special handicapped license plate. Handicapped parking stalls include the white painted hash marks between two handicapped parking stalls.

CUL-DE-SAC AND STREET PARKING (CVC Section 22500): Any time a vehicle is parked on a public street the vehicle is required to have the two right side (passenger side) tires within 18 inches of the curb. This also applies to cul-de-sacs. The only time a vehicle can be parked on the street at an angle is in a specially permitted area authorized by the City of Woodland. One of the reasons vehicles are not allowed to park “nose-in” in a cul-de-sac is because it is difficult if not impossible to turn around large delivery trucks when vehicles are not parked in accordance with the law.

A vehicle may not block any part of a driveway at any time even if the vehicle is parked in front of the owners’ residence. Along with not being allowed to park blocking a driveway, a vehicle may not block any portion of the sidewalk. A vehicle may not be parked facing the wrong way (against traffic) or have either passenger side tire on the sidewalk.

OVER WEIGHT VEHICLES AND LONG TERM PARKING: The City of Woodland, by city ordinance, bans the parking of commercial vehicles weighing over 10,000 pounds on public streets and private property. This city ordinance does not apply to certain private property which is zoned as commercial property, or streets designated as truck routes.

It is also unlawful to park a horse trailer, camp trailer, or boat trailer on any public street for a period of more than 24 hours or park any other motor vehicle on a public street for more than 72 hours. The 72 hour regulation also includes inoperative vehicles. Owners of inoperative vehicles are allowed to have one inoperative vehicle visible from the street but it may not be parked in the street, and it is unlawful to park a vehicle on an unimproved surface (grass, dirt, or gravel).

I often her people comment on the limited parking in the downtown district. A majority of the street parking in the downtown district is time restricted with either 30 minute or two hour parking. The City of Woodland has provided a parking lot at the northwest corner of Court Street and College Street which does not have any daily time restrictions.

While it may appear that there are multiple laws associated to parking, the laws are intended to ensure safe and orderly traffic flow. To see the entire list of the City of Woodland Ordinances associated to parking you can go to where you can link to the page. The blog is also set up to accept comments and questions. I will be able to answer your questions directly and your questions may help someone else understand how the laws are applied.

Please remember that May 18th-May 31st is the national Click It or Ticket campaign. Seatbelt usage is clearly one of the best options for protecting yourself in a collision. Even though seatbelt usage has been mandatory for many years the national average is still shows only 83% of drivers and passengers regularly use their seatbelts. The Woodland Police Department would like to thank the community of Woodland for being well above the national average for seatbelt usage, nearly 98%, during the last usage survey. Please remember to drive safely, during the month of April there were 37 reported traffic collisions in the City of Woodland.

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