This is an interactive blog provided by the Woodland Police Department. The blog is aimed at educating the public about laws associated to driving, driver education, and pedestrian safety.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Unlicensed and Suspended Drivers

This week’s article will cover the topics of driving without a valid driver’s license and driving with a suspended driver’s license. Driving a motor vehicle in California is a privilege and not a right. The state has set specific requirements for California residents when it comes to possessing a valid driver license. One reason that the state regulates the issuance of driver’s licenses is for the safety of motorists.

When a driver is convicted or pleads guilty to a traffic violation there is a point value of one or two points charged to their driver license, depending on the severity of the violation. A person who received four points on their driving record in a year can have their privilege suspended. In addition to four points in a year a driver who receives a total of six points within two years or eight points within three years can have their privilege suspended.

Vehicle code section 12500(a) states, “A person may not drive a motor vehicle upon a highway, unless the person then holds a valid driver's license issued under this code, except those persons who are expressly exempted under this code.” Persons who are exempt from the requirement of possession a valid California driver license are United States government employees and persons operating implements of husbandry (farm equipment). Once a person moves California from another state and establishes residency they have 10 days to obtain a California driver license. After the 10 days has expired the driver license from the previous state is no longer valid. The fine for driving without a valid driver license is $521 for a first offense.

Vehicle code section 14601.1(a) states in summary that no person shall drive a motor vehicle at any time when that person’s driving privilege is suspended or revoked. A person’s driver’s license can be suspended for multiple reasons including excessive citations, failure to pay fines, DUI convictions, failure to pay child support, and reckless driving. The minimum fine for of driving with a suspended or revoked driver license is $1,395 and increases with subsequent convictions.
Vehicle code 14607.4 states in summary that the California Legislature finds and declares all of the following: (a) Driving a motor vehicle is a privilege, not a right. (b) Of all drivers involved in fatal accidents, more than 20 percent are not licensed to drive. A driver with a suspended license is four times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident. (c) At any given time, it is estimated by the Department of Motor Vehicles that of some 20 million driver's licenses issued to Californians, 720,000 are suspended or revoked. Furthermore, 1,000,000 persons are estimated to be driving without ever having been licensed at all. (e) Californian’s who comply with the law are frequently victims of traffic accidents caused by unlicensed drivers. These innocent victims suffer considerable pain and property loss at the hands of people who flaunt the law.
In addition to the fines imposed by the courts if an officer stops a vehicle for a violation and the vehicle is being driven by a person who is unlicensed or has a suspended or revoked driving privilege the vehicle may impounded for up to thirty days.
As stated in section 14607.4 it is imperative that all drivers be properly licensed. A reason proper licensing is needed is because an unlicensed driver has not gone through the proper testing procedures to ensure they are aware of the driving laws in California and can safely operate a motor vehicle.

One of the duties of the Traffic Division is to provide concentrated traffic enforcement to identified traffic problem areas. The Woodland Police Department has recently launched a new online crime reporting system. On the website you can report traffic concerns that will be directly disseminated to the traffic enforcement officers and patrol officers. You reach the website by going to

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